Overnight Visitors
The Board of Directors, Officers, and Members of Rockcliffe Yacht Club (RYC) extend a warm welcome to all visitors to the RYC. We hope your stay with us will be pleasant and memorable.
The RYC welcomes all boaters to our club on a space-available basis. We are unable to take reservations, however. Therefore, it is best to call (613-748-3005) before arriving and inquire as to likely availability of a slip or mooring.
The RYC is a 100-member “private co-op” style club situated on the south shore of the Ottawa River north of the Canada Aviation Museum and about 5 km east of Parliament Hill. Coordinates just off our docks are 45°27’50” and 075° 38’36”.
- Our docks can handle most boats up to 33 feet (overall length);
- Mooring balls can handle somewhat larger vessels;
- Boaters intending to use mooring balls must be prepared to attach their own harness and shackle to our mooring chains.
Visiting Boat Policies
There are no permanent visitor/transient docks at the RYC. The accommodation of visiting boats is predicated on the availability of a dock suitable for the size of the boat. In the event of the return of the RYC member to his/her assigned dock, the visitor shall be moved, if required. Visitors are not permitted to leave their boat unattended for longer than 12 hours, unless prior arrangements are made with the Security Officer.
- visitors are assigned to an available RYC members’ dock space;
- visitors shall be moved from their assigned dock space, if the RYC member returns;
- visitors are not permitted to leave their boat unattended for longer than 12 hours.
Visitors from non-reciprocal clubs or visitors not members of a club may be accorded temporary accommodation based on space availability in accordance with the Visitor fees schedule.
Visitors from reciprocal clubs may be accorded accommodation for their boat, subject to space availability, on the same terms regarding ‘free over-nights’ as their home club extends to RYC members. Beyond the ‘free over-nights’, the Visitor fees schedule applies. Please fly your burgee and have your membership card ready when registering. For reciprocal clubs, please see Reciprocal clubs list.
Checking into the club
The RYC does not take reservations. Visitors may contact the RYC in advance of arrival to determine space availability. Space is first-come; first-served.
Visitors requiring guest dockage/mooring are requested to tie up at the north-west corner of the east arm adjacent to the approach to the launch ramp. The short-term visitors/loading dock space is painted in blue for easy identification.
Check in with the RYC Security Officer upon arrival for Visitor Registration, fee payment, and appropriate dock assignment. Visitors are not permitted to remain, beyond a short time, at the visitors/loading dock.
- Fresh potable water: available at the service dock at no charge.
- Electricity: 15 amp service available at most dock spaces at no charge.
- Pump-out: self-serve at the service dock. Fee charged.
- BBQ: courtesy gas BBQs are available. Use of one’s boat BBQ while at a dock is not permitted.
- Ice: blocks/cubes are available for purchase from the Security Officer.
- Toilets/showers: no charge. Please contact the Security Officer for access codes.
- Telephone: courtesy club telephone is available for local calls only. Please contact the Security Officer.
- Masting Crane: closed until further notice
- Parking: visitors/guests are asked to use the public parking area (at your own risk) to the west of the storage compounds. Parking on the ramp/hill is reserved for RYC members.
- Restaurants/provisioning: best accessed by taxi.
- Fuel: the RYC does not have fuel. Gas is available from the Rockcliffe Boat House. Diesel is not available at any shore-side facility in the area.
General Regulations
- Conduct: please respect our club’s peaceful atmosphere – keep halyards quiet, lines ship-shape, no unnecessary noise, no loud music, etc. Skippers are responsible for their crew and guests.
- Swimming/Fishing: for security reasons, swimming/fishing from the docks is not permitted.
- Pets: pets must be on a leash at all times. Please, no pets in the Clubhouse.
- Garbage: appropriate containers are available. Please contact the Security Officer for guidance, if necessary.
Local Attractions
Visitors may wish to spend some time at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum and the RCMP Museum/Musical Ride Stables which are within walking distance. City bus service is available at both museums.
If you require additional information prior to your visit, please call (613) 748-3005 (from mid-May to mid-October), or send an email to info@ryc.ca. Please note that, having no paid employees, email monitoring may be intermittent.
Our well-lit club has a 24/7 duty watch provided by our members throughout the boating season. Members often lend assistance to visitors in any way they can. Please feel free to call upon a RYC member.
The Directors and Members of RYC assume no responsibility for any damage or losses, however caused, to visiting boats, boaters, and their crews.